Attention: Men who have not gained a single pound of muscle in the last 21 days or more…

“Breakthrough Article Reveals Why It’s Not Your Training Program Suffocating Your Gains – Yet Your Diet And How To Flip This “Genetic” Switch in Just 3 Simple Steps”

It’s True – Even The Most Insane, Steroid-Based, Muscle & Fiction Program Can Give You Head-Turning Results…However You MUST apply these SIMPLE, PROVEN, and POWERFUL principles found below to your routine Or Your Gains, Effort, Time, And Money Will Be Flushed Down The Toilet…

And let’s not forget – wasting YEARS AND YEARS in the prime of your life banging your head against a wall…hoping, wishing and praying for the results you desperately want to see staring back at you in the mirror each morning when you wake up

There’s an epidemic spreading across the internet and in gyms across the world – sabotaging your results 24/7…

It’s called the “Meat-Head Diet” And here are a few symptoms of “this” muscle-suffocating epidemic…

Meat Head Diet

And before you go and suggest that you’re a “hardgainer” who genetically has a hard time putting on mass…understand that no matter your metabolic rate, bone structure, or genetics, you CAN put on a significant amount of muscle without any fat…

Please, Open Your Eyes Because The Dead-Honest Truth Is That The “Information Age” And Over-Night Internet Trainers are Killing Your Muscle Gains , Making You Fatter (not more muscular), and selling you every new training technique under the sun – without fixing the REAL problem.

So if you’ve ever been told that you need to…

• Eat Clean
• NEVER skip a meal
• Eat 6 meals a day
• Avoid sugar
• Avoid carbs after 7pm
• Or ALWAYS drink whey protein within 30 minutes of a workout

Then you have been a victim of the “it-worked-for-me” advice that is keeping you skinny (and weak) and it’s the underlying reason you have not gained ANY muscle in weeks (or even months…or years!).

Now before you get upset and curse everyone who has every given you bad advice…

There is some good news…

You can stop wasting away weeks, months, and even years in the gym by implementing these 3 simple and proven diet strategies below and start packing on lean mass and solid strength…and you won’t even have to change your workout routine.

You hold the power. You can make a change and you can start by following these 3 simple strategies below.

Lean Mass Strategy #1: Carbohydrate Carry-Oversteak

Yes, protein promotes the muscle-building process a.k.a protein synthesis.

But what if I told you that you’re already eating more than enough to maximize this process?

Study after study has proven time and again that the ridiculous amounts of protein recommended by so-called “fitness experts” are unnecessary and wasteful.

Instead, we should be more concerned with refueling glycogen stores and maximizing our performance in the gym.

This is done by using a little formula I like to call “Carbohydrate Carry-Over”.

You see, science has already shown us exactly how much protein and fats we should consume daily for optimal health and recovery, but Carbohydrate Carry-Over is the only sure-fire way to ensure we are performing at our peak, never storing carbs as fat, and keeping our muscle glycogen stores nice and full.

Lean Mass Strategy #2: Positive Energy EquityEnergy Balance

If you’ve ever said to yourself “I can’t gain weight no matter how much I eat”…
You’re DEAD wrong!

There is one way and one way ONLY to ensure we are eating enough to build muscle.

• No matter your metabolism
• No matter your genetics
• No matter your body type
• And no matter your activity level

You WILL gain weight/build muscle if you can do one thing, every day.

If you can increase your energy equity…

Do this wrong and end up packing on slabs of fat and increasing your pants sizes.

Do it RIGHT and start packing on size practically on demand without worrying about losing your abs in the process.

Lean Mass Strategy #3: Proper Macro-Distribution Macros

It’s not about…

• Eating 6 meals per day
• Consuming “healthy” foods
• Eating everything in sight
• Eating enough protein
• Timing carbs around your workout
• Or eating low fats

It’s about proper macro-distribution.

If you fail to follow this strategy, you WILL pack on more fat than muscle.

If you’ve ever “bulked” and then “cut” only to realize you made zero muscle-gains, then you know what I mean.

This is caused by unintelligent macro-distribution.

Perfect this formula and ensure you are building muscle (not fat), consistently, without having to carry Tupperware around with you to parties or suffering from anxiety anytime you “missed a meal”.



  • The ability to pack on solid weight at the flip of a switch (YOU decide if YOU want to gain, maintain, or lose weight).
  • Crushing new personal records on all of your big lifts (Strength-Blasting workouts like never before).
  • Insane, skin-stretching muscle-pumps without the use of “Pre-Workout Powders”
  • Having the ability to pack on lean muscle 365 days a year without losing sight of your abs.
  • And never again have to worry about your nutrition program, ever again…


Lean Mass Gains

And naturally all my buddies and gym friends started asking questions (some making accusations) about what I was on…if I was taking anything…

Obviously I wasn’t on any special supplement – I Just started implementing these 3 muscle-building hacks above just like I showed you…

And the best part is you can do the same and have identical, if not BETTER results…

Results that you’ll be able to see and feel each morning when you look in the mirror…

Results that’ll have your own friends, buddies, and family members jealous of your success…

And results that you can finally be proud of…

So because of this, i decided to make it drop-dead simple for anyone to replicate this muscle-building breakthrough because i know others might have the same problem…

The problem that plagues millions of hard-gainers across the world with their “ability” to build muscle while staying ripped up…

And if you feel that maybe you might be one of the guys in this close-circle of hard-gainers…

Understand it is not your fault because the today the wool has been lifted up over your eyes and the truth is starring at you right here, right now.

And if you’re thinking your too young or too old to see changes, please understand that no matter you’re situation, you can always do something to build muscle through diet. And you can start today, right now.

That’s why I went ahead and created The Lean Mass Meal Plan Guide

Lean Mass Meal Plan

But before we get into it, let me tell you what The Lean Mass Meal Plan is not…

It’s not some cookie-cutter, BORING AND BLAND meal plan packed with chicken and broccoli meals.

It’s not full of complicated formulas that leave you guessing what foods to eat and when.

It&#8217It’s an easy, done-for-you solution to building muscle, consistently, no matter what workout program you are on that eliminates all the guess work. …

“The Lean Mass Meal Plan”

Component #1: The Lean Mass Meal Guide

In this guide you will find the simple 3 step, quick start process for getting started with the ENTIRE program in a matter of minutes.

The Lean Mass guide also includes basic principles and instructions for making adjustments, tracking your progress, being flexible with your diet, and much more.

Component #2: Monster Muscle Macro Calculator

This powerful software provides you with done-for-you, personalized macro distribution that ensures you are consuming the right amounts of the right foods without having to calculate another long and painful formula.

Thus, enabling you to build muscle completely on auto pilot.

Never do another long boring calculation using outdated formulas, again.

Component #3: The Monster Muscle Meal Plans

Tired of calculating calories?

These meal plans have been strategically laid out using a A SPECIAL formula that guarantees proper macro-distribution, positive energy equity, and the perfect amount of carbohydrate carry-over.

These done-for-you meal plans remove all the guess work and allow you to consume a variety of easy-to-make foods.

Component #4: Monster Muscle Printable Grocery Lists

Print one of these bad-boys out and take it with you on your trip to the grocery store.

Check off each item as you go to ensure you have all the right foods to follow the appropriate meal plan.

Never feel lost in the grocery store again.


Follow the 3 quick start steps in the Lean Mass Meal Guide and notice results within the first 7 days!

  • Sleeve-ripping pumps in the gym… (Carbohydrate Carry-Over at its finest)
  • Increased energy in and out of the gym.
  • Animalistic strength gains (They’ll never believe you’re natural)
  • Consistent increases in lean muscle mass.
  • Less lower belly fat bloat.
  • Faster recovery between sessions.
  • Increased vascularity.
  • Plus more…

As someone who has transformed their body (multiple times) and helped thousands of former skinny guys to do the same…

And as someone who has the life goal of transforming the lives of 1 million people, it is my duty and obligation to share these strategies with YOU…

Once I saw how much in charge I was when it came to building muscle without any fat, I knew that millions of others could do the same…

And maybe you feel this way too.

Life is too short to waste away weeks, months, or even years trying to figure out this complicated puzzle that is muscle building nutrition.

Especially when this muscle-building shortcut exists right here, right now…

It’s at your fingertips and you can have access in the next 30 seconds.

Now here are some of the powerful strategies and tricks you’ll discover with this amazing system…

Lean Mass Meal Plan


  • The PERFECT macronutrient formula to consume for rapid muscle and strength gains without worrying about losing your abs in the process.
  • 1 SIMPLE solution that will ensure you are gaining weight, every single week, without adding inches to your waist.
  • A food substitution strategy that allows you to stay on your meal plan EVEN if you’re missing certain foods.
  • The flexible dieting strategy that will allow you to enjoy your favorite foods in a calculated fashion so you never have to have a “cheat day” again.
  • 6 meal prep shortcuts to ensure you ALWAYS have your food ready to go (even on the most hectic of days).
  • The ONLY supplements that have been PROVEN to work so you NEVER waste another dime on pills or powders that do NOTHING but empty your pockets.
  • 1 HOMEMADE pre-workout formula using ONLY the ingredients that aid in muscle growth and recovery without packing your scoops with fillers.
  • 2 performance supplements that WILL provide noticeable results (and the happen to be the least expensive ones).
  • The 1 “supplement” you’re taking right now (and relying on) that you don’t need to take, ever.
  • An easy to follow, done-for-you nutrition system designed to have you packing on lbs of muscle without ever succumbing to the dreaded “weight-gain plateau”.
  • Plus much, much, more.


“If you care about your results and tired of seeing minimal gains, there’s a good chance it’s not your training program that’s the problem, but your diet”


The Lean Mass Meal Plan guide is one of the most solid and simple to use muscle-building nutrition programs out there. Alain has taken all of the guess work out of putting together your own diet and meals, allowing you to build muscle without any fat completely on autopilot. One of the biggest issues for most guys when it comes to seeing results in the mirror is their diet and that’s the issue that Alain fixes with this entire system. If you care about your results and tired of seeing minimal gains, there’s a good chance it’s not your training program that’s the problem, but your diet. Do yourself a favor and grab this entire system now. It’s worth every single penny


Jared Dicarmine

“The ‘Monster Muscle Meal Plan’ is exactly what I wish I’d had when I got started building muscle”


The ‘Monster Muscle Meal Plan’ is exactly what I wish I’d had when I got started building muscle. Alain takes all of the guess work out of the most important part of building muscle, your nutrition. I’ll be referring to his macronutrient calculator in the future when I start bulking again.

Mitch Graves

Now because you’re here today and we’re celebrating the release of this powerful system, I want to make this an absolute no-brainer for you.

IF you’re tired of busting your butt in the gym week after week with no results.

IF you’re sick of trying to figure out whether it’s your training program, your nutrition, or your genetics that are prohibiting you to build the muscle you work so hard for.

And if you finally want to see results…

Results that you’ve desperately been searching for…

Then please pay close attention…

Imagine never having to wonder again “is this going to work?” or “am I eating enough to build muscle?”

Picture yourself, gaining new mass week by week, all while your strength explodes just as fast as your muscle gains. Only getting bigger and stronger as the weeks go by – to the point your buddies and gym acquaintances will be begging for your “secret”.

Look, I am not going to B.S. you or sell you a dream. You more than likely can achieve amazing results without The Lean Mass Meal Plan. But how long will it take? How many times will you have to “switch things up” before you get a working formula? Or how many hours, days, weeks, months, or even years are you willing to waste away as you try the “next new secret”?

At the end of the day, it’s your decision to make…and it all comes down to two options.

Option #1 – Use all the free content I have available and hope to put it all together yourself…

Let’s be honest…a lot of the information in this program are principles that I discuss very openly through various resources such as my YouTube channel which now has over 17,000 subscribers or my muscle monster email newsletter which is an awesome community of over 20,000 members. In fact, if you’ve been following me long enough, you probably already use some of these diet strategies.

And that’s great!

However, it’s very easy to screw things up even if you think you know “all” of the information when it comes to eating enough to build muscle, consistently.

Option #2 – Follow scientifically proven techniques about optimal nutrition for natural lifters…

The Lean Mass Meal Plan package is a clear cut, tried and true, scientifically backed system for building muscle even if you are on the most basic of training programs. You’ll never have to ask yourself “am I eating enough food?” or “am I eating the right foods?”

Simply put, this is 100% FAIL PROOF!

With The Lean Mass Meal Plan package there will be no guessing and no deciding “what should I eat?”…just a dynamically planned nutrition program proven to pack on size to your frame, pounds to the bar, and all while keeping your abs all year long.

And to make this an even sweeter deal for you – I am including these 3 special value-added bonuses for absolutely NO COST.


Special Bonus #1: Meal Prep Made Easy ($17 Value)

Time is the #1 reason you’re having trouble eating enough to grow. Not because you don’t have time to eat, but because you don’t have the time to cook every few hours.

With this meal prep shortcuts guide, you’ll discover the exact techniques that pro bodybuilders and physique competitors use in order to ensure they have their food ready to go without having to be chefs or spend more than 1 hour in the kitchen per week.


shredded in 7Special Bonus #2: 20 On-The-Go Protein Shake and Snack Recipes ($19 Value)

If you are in the mood for a quick and flavorful snack, in the mood for a great tasting smoothie, or just short on time you’ll find 20 delicious shake and snack recipes that you can make in minutes.

In this guide, you will also find my favorite Muscle Monsters weight-gain shake recipe. This recipe takes less than 90 seconds to make and is packed with nutrient dense calories using foods you probably already have in your fridge.



Special Bonus #3: The Supplement Cheat Sheet ($19 Value)

The most complete, no B.S. supplement guide to proper muscle building supplementation.

This cheat sheet reveals the only scientifically proven supplements available so that you never have to waste another dime on useless products.

You’ll also discover a proven, homemade pre-workout stack that you can make for pennies on the dollar.

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Lean Mass Meal Plan

Sale $39.95

Note: The Lean Mass Meal Plan Package is a digital product that is completely downloadable. No physical items will be shipped to you. Instead, you will get instant access to the entire program as well as the bonus components included in the program.

Still not convinced? Here is how confident I am in this program…

I am including a 60-Day, hassle free, Money-Back Guarantee if you decide at any point within the first 60 days that this program is not working for you. I don’t care if you simply don’t like the font of the text I used, I will refund the entire amount, no questions asked.

And if that wasn’t enough – if for any reason you feel this program is not for you and you decide to take me up on my 60 Day Guarantee – you can keep the 3 bonuses as a parting gift from me to you.

Sale $39.95

Here is to transforming your body

Take care,

Alain Gonzalez

Author, Bony to Brawny

Author, Mass In A Flash

Certified Personal Trainer

Owner, Muscle Monsters LLC


Sale $39.95

The Lean Mass Meal Plan Package is a downloadable program. You will receive instant access upon purchase. Nothing will be shipped


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