Exclusive VIP Update #6

My EXACT Training and Nutrition System

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Take Your Physique to The Next Level With…

Component #1: M.A.S.S. Growth Factors ($67 Value)

This guide exploits the 9, scientifically proven, most critical factors in your training, period. No fluff, just hard facts and solid eye-opening information that will change the way your train, forever. After reading through this guide I have no doubt that you will have a 100% clear understanding as to why progress has been so slow in the first place and why these little-known methods will help sky-rocket your gains, quickly.

Understanding Growth Factors # 1 and #4 alone are more than enough to excel your training to new heights and have you lifting heavier and packing on more muscle than you have in the previous months or even years.

Component #2: M.A.S.S. Nutrition ($47 Value)

Tired of eating the same 6 foods every day?

Is trying to consume a meal ever 2.5 hours destroying your social life?

I bet you are under the impression that if you don’t eat your 6 meals a day, you won’t build muscle. Or even worse, you’ll lose the muscle that you have worked so hard for. FALSE! This component exposes the real truth about bodybuilding nutrition and reveals a shockingly simple approach to eating for muscle mass without losing your abs. And it doesn’t matter if you want to eat 6 meals a day or if you only have time for 1-3 meals per day, as long as you follow the principles in M.A.S.S. Nutrition you will build muscle without putting on any unnecessary fat.

Component #3: M.A.S.S. Workout Phase 1 and 2 ($54 Value)

Each training phase is 12 weeks of high frequency, high volume, intense training that should not be attempted by anyone who has been training for less than 6 months consistently. Each month is strategically structured to maximize adaptation and recovery for ongoing performance increases without overtraining the central nervous system. If you’ve read M.A.S.S. Growth Factors then you’ll understand why this training program is laid out the way it is and you’ll be more than impressed with the results.

Component #4: M.A.S.S. Execution DVD ($27 Value)

This is a huge video demonstration library of every single exercise in M.A.S.S. Workout Phase 1 and 2. This component is jam packed with the top exercises for each muscle group for the best “bang for your buck”. You’ll even find some little-known biceps exercises that you’ve probably never done, including one of my personal favorites for all around biceps thickness.


Component #5: M.A.S.S. Mobility ($27 Value)

This guide reveals the most optimal form of deep tissue, myofascial release for reduced soreness and increased mobility. Having slight shoulder discomfort? Discover some extremely simply stretches you can do from home to rid the pain practically instantly.

Increased Mobility = Increased ROM = Optimal Performance for Increasing Muscle Size and Strength


Component #6: M.A.S.S. Nutrition Calculator ($37 Value)

By simply putting in your bodyweight, using the most up to date nutrition intake formula used by some of the top trainers in the world, this calculator will spit out everything from your daily caloric intake, the exact fats, proteins, and carbs you should be consuming, to your daily water intake, all the way down to your fiber and fruit + vegetable servings. No calculus degree needed to figure out your nutritional needs!


Component #7: The M.A.S.S. Calendar ($17 Value)

The entire 84 days (12 Weeks) is organized day by day for you to track your progress. Print this us and check off each day after completion to keep you on track and motivated through each phase. Take it one workout at a time!


Component #8: M.A.S.S. Workout Tracking Sheets ($17 Value)

No more guessing and assuming as to whether or not you are improving. The workout tracking sheets have laid out every single workout and exercise and all you have to do is fill in the blank. They have been laid out in the easiest format to track each workout to the previous without causing you to dig through an entire workout log.